Hasbro my3D Viewer on Sale at 99 Cent Stores!!

Yes, the Hasbro my3D Viewers (for iPods and iPhones) which originally retailed for about $35, then $25, and most recently on Amazon.com for about $10, have gone on sale for 99 cents at Los Angeles Area 99 Cent Stores.


If you are not familiar with this viewer, it is a binocular 3-D viewer that comes with four interchangeable backs to fit iPhone and iPod Touch series 3 and 4 devices. See http://www.hasbro.com/hasbromy3d/en_US/ for details.


Forget the terrible apps that Hasbro made for this viewer. Using StereoPhoto Maker ( see http://stereo.jpn.org/eng/stphmkr/SPM%20434%20for%20My3D_all%206%20... ) you can batch format side-by-side stereo pairs for viewing on this device. I would not recommend it for the 3 series devices as they do not have the Retina Display. However, for the iPhone 4 or 4S or the iPod Touch 4 this makes a very respectable viewing device, with surprising good optics for the price! I know you can format side-by-side (not squeezed) videos for this format, also, but do not have instructions. StereoMovie Maker (Google it) will probably do the trick.


Don't have a compatible device? Have an iPhone 5 or an Android smart phone? Well, for 99 cents you can buy a few of these and figure out a way to make them compatible. The interchangeable back cradles could be left off completely, and you can figure out a way to hold the device in place for viewing. A rubber band or velcro perhaps. Or, for 99 cents you may find you can cannibalize this viewer in some other way for some other purpose.


We have no way of knowing what the stock is like at any particular 99 cent store. I bought a bunch at the one in Culver City. Others have reported buying them in Glendale and Hollywood. ALL 99 Cent Stores probably got some, but as to how many at each store is not known. Try looking around the toys area, or in the Easter products area. Happy Shopping. - David Starkman, fellow Stereo Sister.

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Comment by Shannon Benna on March 21, 2013 at 4:30pm
This is AWESOME!!!




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