B Gardner's White Paper "The Dynamic Floating Window - a new creative tool for 3D movies"

A dear friend of mine and a creative genius, Brian Gardner has been one of my most inspiring friends in 3D. He has a masterful command of the depth language and a fascinating aesthetic imagination. Besides having been instrumental in the creation of the modern Stereoscopic 3D industry, Brian has forged many innovations pushing 3D to it's pioneering furthest. Some of these include "Depth Scoring software", the animation algorithms used to create "The Iron Giant" via CGI in a hand-drawn style, the magnificent piece of Stop-Motion Stereoscopic art "Coraline", and as described in the following "Dynamic Floating Windows". Additionally, he has always had time to answer my silly questions or just dream with me! I have decided to publish his white paper below as not only a tribute to this great supporter of 3D and innovation, but as a direct resource reference. Please read and redistribute as you like!


Sister Benna

B Gardner Dynamic Floating WIndows

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