Love and enthusiastic curiosity for tech that emerses anyone into places and situations they could have only dreamed of.
Favorite 3D Movies
Wonders of the ocean? I'm not 100% sure if that's the title. That was the first movie I saw in 3D where I TRULY felt as though I had been transported to a different universe!
Favorite Quote
"Both sweat and tears are salty but render different results. Tears will get you sympathy, sweat will get you change" Jesse Jackson
What else should we know about you?
Founder of Paranormal Investigation group "Something Wicked".
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Look what got posted by on Google+ as we were finishing our conference call with Sister Kimberly McCullough! Cool fact! The kind that usually starts a good documentary...
Welcome Sister J! I can not wait to make some hair raising 3D with you! Yesterday was awesome and it will just keep getting better. Thanks for brinong me into your haunted world. Now lets take people into another dimension of it!
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Happy Birthday my Darling Sister Janna!! Amazing that I have known you for so long - lets hope its a million years longer!!
Look what got posted by on Google+ as we were finishing our conference call with Sister Kimberly McCullough! Cool fact! The kind that usually starts a good documentary...